An acclaimed late night TV show host, admired stand-up comedian, best-selling children’s book author, in-demand corporate speaker, voice-over artist, pioneering car builder and mechanic and philanthropist, Leno is widely characterized as “the hardest working man in show business.” Leno’s late night television ratings domination included two decades as the host of the No. 1 rated “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” He currently produces and is host of the CNBC primetime series “Jay Leno’s Garage,” now in its seventh season. Leno is the recipient of many honors, including Emmy, People’s Choice and TV Guide awards; Harris Poll selection as most popular star on television; the Hasty Pudding Award at Harvard University; The Mark Twain Prize; recipient of the Patriot Award given by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society; has a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame; and was the first person to drive the pace car of all major NASCAR events.