A unique shopping experience just for Mom located in the heart of downtown Lake Havasu City! Gather friends and family and enjoy a day of leisure, fun and surprises.
♣️Event check in at KAWS on Saturday May 6th between 11am and 1pm.Check-in to receive event passes and map.
Event passes must stay on each participant at all times.
♦️Participants are welcome to visit each of the 5 participating establishments at their leisure. Participants are not obligated to make any purchases during the event, nor spend any designated amount of time at any establishment.
Collect ONE poker card from each establishment.
Each business will provide exclusive menus,offers/discount or gifts to each registered participant!
Establishments remain the right to refuse business regardless or reason. Dwellers & Dreamers and Havasu Mama are not liable for any items lost or stolen, nor responsible for any unpaid expenses or discrepancies on behalf of any participant.
♥️Event will end at 4pm at KAWS where we will discover who has the winning poker hand and GRAND PRIZE WINNER!